Our Anti-Modern Slavery Approach
GSS has a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of modern slavery, and we are committed to acting legally, ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We seek to adopt and develop a proactive approach to prevent and remediate the risks of modern slavery, forced and debt-bonded labour, human trafficking and hidden exploitation within our workforce.
We are committed to a workforce and supply chain free from forced labour, human trafficking and child labour.
As part of our pro-active focus on Modern Slavery issues we have formed a Modern Slavery Steering Group, alongside our parent company the RTC Group, and the introduced business Modern Slavery Champions. Our Modern Slavery Champions are tasked with spreading the anti-slavery message within our business and wider communities.
What we promise our contractors and candidates:
- Fee free recruitment – No recruitment fees to be paid by the candidate.
- All workers are properly recruited and registered and legal eligibility to work is established.
- Contracts are available in the workers native language
- Wages and benefits are paid fairly and properly
- Work environment, living conditions and transport are safe and hygienic
- Termination rights are provided and tickets to home destination at the end of contract are provided at no cost to the worker
- We welcome your views, comments and suggestions
- Ethical and professional business conduct is assured.
Please click here to read our Modern Slavery Policy
Managing our Supply Chain
All GSS Suppliers are properly risk assessed and vetted. All suppliers who are involved in the recruitment of workers are reviewed on an ongoing basis to assess capability and ethics with regards to Modern Slavery and Trafficking In Persons (TIP’s).
We work with our suppliers to improve and strengthen their own Modern Slavery and TIP’s policies and provide them training as appropriate.
We will cease relationships with Suppliers who do not meet our own ethical standards.
How to raise a concern
You can raise any concern regarding Modern Slavery issues by emailing enquiries@ata-gss.com